
[紅石托福高分榜| 考前快來沾沾喜氣﹗] 復興雙語G12 Eugene Huang

[紅石托福高分榜| 考前快來沾沾喜氣﹗]
復興雙語G12 Eugene Huang 8/25 TOEFL 正式考試首戰 104分,一舉進步20分以上。
紅石暑期托福精品班的復興學員Eugene Huang,三周TOEFL訓練 (模考分數80分+),正式TOEFL考試一舉破百,進步20分以上的佳績。
How could you get a 20+ points improvement on TOEFL in just 3 weeks?
And if you sit for an exam without being familiar with the format, a chance is you end up with a mediocre score or a bad one. If so, you will not just feel disappointed and it will shake the pillar of your self-confidence.
At RR, Eugene took 3 weeks TOEFL classes with quality in-classroom teaching as well as solid Red Rock online TOEFL model tests x 7 sets.
1. Redrock (紅石)線上TOEFL免費教學視頻/模考真題題庫/詳解 共用平台,本月即將上線。
2. Redrock (紅石) TOEFL暑期舊生將可免費學習TOEFL,提升分數。