
[2019 2月ACT正式機考 2/8, 2/9兩天] [2019 紅石寒假ACT兩周機考培訓開始報名]

[2019 2月ACT正式機考 2/8, 2/9兩天]
[2019 紅石寒假ACT兩周機考培訓開始報名]
2019 1/21 to 2/1 (8:30AM to 17:00PM)
Red Rock Computerized ACT is Designed to WOW:
1. Top-quality study materials continually updated with official ACT Testbank.
2. Timely feedback and progress tracking to turn your weaknesses into strengths with explanations+ Answer keys to all questions.
3. Study/Use anywhere, anytime on Windows and Mac.
4. 不同於一般傳統的ACT紙本訓練,紅石絕對電腦ACT自有題庫軟題訓練。
a. 早鳥優惠12/31/
b. 舊生+團報 折上折扣優惠