[2019 Summer 紅石雅思密集課程開放報名]
1. 全程覆蓋聽說讀寫和規劃。
2. 三位中外籍老師全英上課。
3. 紅石的老師從來都是平均教齡10年以上的實力派。
4. 每日課後作業打卡幫你鞏固考試分數。
5. 更有超驚喜的紅石增值服務:
a. 全部課程結束後的半年內免費IELTS線上考試資源輔導。
2019 Summer Red Rock 紅石IELTS intensive program are packed with all the knowledge you need for the IELTS exam, helping you do your best in each component of the test. In order to do well, you must prepare and practise during and after our classes.