[2019 Winter Red Rock TOEFL Class 開始報名]
A good TOEFL score may be necessary to get a student visa to a top US college. Some
businesses and even government offices use the test scores to measure the English language
abilities of their employees. And some of the most competitive universities even expect a TOEFL
score of 105+ or above.
Congratulations on William’s good performance on TOEFL.
[2019 紅石寒假TOEFL密集班報名網頁].
1. 早鳥優惠1/05以前。
2. 此班適合計畫2019年上半年正式TOEFL考試學生。
3. 此班TOEFL學員課程結束後,將持續享有RR紅石持續半年內線上TOEFL真題資源輔導學員正
A good TOEFL score may be necessary to get a student visa to a top US college. Some
businesses and even government offices use the test scores to measure the English language
abilities of their employees. And some of the most competitive universities even expect a TOEFL
score of 105+ or above.
Congratulations on William’s good performance on TOEFL.
[2019 紅石寒假TOEFL密集班報名網頁].
1. 早鳥優惠1/05以前。
2. 此班適合計畫2019年上半年正式TOEFL考試學生。
3. 此班TOEFL學員課程結束後,將持續享有RR紅石持續半年內線上TOEFL真題資源輔導學員正