
2020-2021 紅石AP各科課程開課時間


RedRock Offering More Help to Students Seeking More AP Challenges

The AP program at RedRock is designed to help students who will take take a variety of Advanced Placement (AP) courses/tests. 

Our AP students have consistently performed well on the annual AP exams, and our outstanding AP teachers (who scored 5/5 on numerous AP subjects in the recent years) help students greatly.

We will start AP Micro and Macro Intensive Prep. Programs in Taichung (9/26 Saturday) and Taipei (9/27 Sunday)。

2021 AP的各項消息

1. AP經濟學考試分成宏觀(Macro)和微觀(Micro)兩科。最近幾年,亞洲學生參加AP經濟考試的學生增多。

2. AP 宏觀和微觀經濟的得5分的比例在19% 和24%左右,相當於其它大多數AP,容易得到5分。而且AP經濟的內容比其它理科的課程,微積分,化學,生物等少。

3. 紅石AP Micro/Macro 新開課程如下: 教師群全都經過正式AP考試的歷練。具有實戰分數。

台中 9/26 

台北 9/27

5. 團班課/Video預錄式課程/1 on 1 線上Zoom課程。


886-910187467/LINE (ID: aicpa.lucas)/Wechat (ID: aicpa_lucas)