To ALL: We will
have Zoe Tuan (北一女 G12) to be Red Rock Teaching Assistant to
- Provide support
to ACT Test takers with the focus of Mathematics and Science.
Motivate and encourage students as a role model.
Zoe came to RR in her G10 and followed our advice to do ACT+ AP tests in
her G11. Currently she gets admitted to U of Michigan Ann Arbor Ross
Business School (Rank No.4) and Babson College (Entrepreneurship 創業管裡排名第一). Zoe also scored ACT very
good at 34 and SAT2 tests x 2 with perfect records.
誰說 AP 一定要在學校修課後才能去考試??
誰說 AP 一定要在學校修課後才能去考試??
Big Heart, Big World.