
Newly Hired Red Rock Teaching Assistant (TA課後解題助教)_北一女 G12 Zoe Tuan

To ALL: We will have Zoe Tuan (北一女 G12) to be Red Rock Teaching Assistant to

- Provide support to ACT Test takers with the focus of Mathematics and Science.
- Motivate and encourage students as a role model.

The role played by TA within classes can be vital in helping students gain ACT numeric and scientific skills, particularly at key stage for G11 graders.

Zoe came to RR in her G10 and followed our advice to do ACT+ AP tests in her G11. Currently she gets admitted to U of Michigan Ann Arbor Ross Business School (Rank No.4) and Babson College (Entrepreneurship 創業管裡排名第一). Zoe also scored ACT very good at 34 and SAT2 tests x 2 with perfect records.

誰說 AP 一定要在學校修課後才能去考試?? 

Big Heart, Big World.