
2017 紅石 ACT Writing 高分成績 Story.

1. Percentile rankings on ACT Writing Score: 10+/12 = PR 99.
ACT 作文分數10分以上(滿分12分),即是頂級分(PR99)
a. Surely, ACT essay score is used in the admission process. Mainly, admissions are also noting extremes in the essay score: very low and very high
b. Jason Lee (康橋G11) attended 紅石 ACT 2 sessions of classes and we edited, commented and graded on Jason's ACT Essay on a weekly basis
2. Peggy Chen, (高雄義大G11), made improvement on ACT, achieving 32/36 in Apr. ACT test.
25天後,6/10 ACT正式考試。