
適合6月ACT最後高強度的衝刺準備。 (ACT課程報名網址)

[2017 Apr. ACT 考試已經開始部分出分],還有很多尚未出分的台灣區考生這星期五傍晚之後可以再查詢,有機會出分。G11學員查分後需要訂訂下一次6月ACT考試計畫。
目前最高分35分(復興雙語G11), 33, 32 (TAS G11), 30分(康橋G11, 總分一次進步7分)
1. 復興 G11, Brandon Yu, RR 2017 ACT 1 on 1 program student. With 1.5 months ACT prep, Brandon scored a nearly perfect 35/36 on his first ACT exam. (Conversion: SAT 1580/1600)
2. Before Brandon came to Red Rock, he took his New SAT test. Now, Brandon could submit only ACT 35 to US colleges applied. (comparison of scores on both tests.)
去年2016, 復興雙語 G12 RR紅石的學生有2個ACT 35分。
今年2017, 復興雙語 G11 Brandon got this, too. Congrats.
3. Some parents are asking details for ACT 1 on 1 program and other new ACT program at RedRock.
針對下個月6/10 ACT的考試,紅石目前有一新班 [ACT星期天全程封閉班 5/14 ~ 6/14] 每星期天整天 9AM ~ 5PM 的訓練。適合6月ACT最後高強度的衝刺準備。