
[紅石 ACT 官方真題單字集(超過10000字)_線上單詞卡建立]

[紅石 ACT 官方真題單字集(超過10000字)_線上單詞卡建立]
1. 紅石ACT題本100本,平均每一本篩選出150個各科單詞,手機上網(密碼)即可開啟閱讀。隨
2 共超過10000個ACT單詞,花了1年多陸續建立完成。
3. 今年2017暑假紅石的ACT課程全面啟用,要求學員分批記憶,紮實基本功需在暑假建立。
Do you need to study vocabulary for the ACT but aren’t sure where to start? We have created
Red rock 紅石 links to free lists of ACT vocab on the web.
In short, make sure you don’t just overdo vocabulary and make sure you need to focus on being
able to define vocabulary in context and recognize multiple-meaning words.