[2017 Red Rock 紅石暑期助教TA x 3] 3位紅石助教,各有所長,各有高分秘訣。.
[2017 Red Rock 紅石暑期助教TA x 3]
3位紅石助教,各有所長,各有高分秘訣。我讓他們暑假來協助紅石學員(ACT/SAT/TOEFL/SAT2 Math/AP)。
各位學員暑期要用功(上課/刷題/模考/背單詞/寫作文)。最主要的是要”問問題”。甚麼是”學問”呢? 就是先學了之後還要問。
1. We RR will hire Zoe Duan (北一女G12) as our Teaching Assistant in summer to assist our ACT/SAT/SAT2 Math students. Zoe was RR's ACT/AP student back in 2016. With her impressive ACT/AP performance, she will be an asset to RR.
2. Mark Chen. 復興實中 G12, was Lucas’s 1 on 1 ACT student in 2016 and Mark scored a nearly perfect score 35/36. He is a very stable ACT Test taker and would share his success tips with summer students as well.
3. Ziv Wang, 康橋 G12, developed her ACT skills in Red Rock ACT prep. Program in 2016.
The main Duty of TA is to provide support to students to ensure a effective and efficient learning environment.