
2017 AP 分數搶先報 [7/5 ~ 7/9 陸續放出分數]

1. Kevin Wan (康橋G10) : [AP經濟兩科滿分 Micro/Macro/5/5]
Kevin earned the perfect scores on Micro/Macro. Besides, Kevin is also an ACT test taker. Kevin 除了上了紅石AP經濟全修班,考前一個月也加入紅石AP經濟總複習課程。
2. Justin Lin (TAS G10) [AP Chemistry 滿分5分]
Justin Lin, now will be a junior TAS 台北美國學校, also attained a perfect score in SAT2 Chemistry 800/800 one month ago. Justin digested all Red rock SAT2 and AP 題庫 befor his tests. Now he is working on his ACT prep. at RR.
3. Francis (GCA 恩慈美國學校 G10) (紅石多科AP學生).
多科AP Chem/Cal BC/Micro/Macro 5/5/5/4. Francis 多才多藝的10年級學生。紮實的G10 AP訓練讓Francis現在在紅石暑期ACT培訓課程中連續每天真題模考成績一直進步33分以上。