
[紅石 Full Guide to 2017 AP Calculus BC/AP Micro/AP Micro/AP Chemistry/AP Physics C]

[紅石 Full Guide to 2017 AP Calculus BC/AP Micro/AP Micro/AP Chemistry/AP Physics C]
AP has the power to transform a student and their future so students need to take advantage of their opportunities. We Red Rock will prepare students for colleges online as well. See how Red Rock educators are encouraging students like these to discover the benefits of taking AP.
1. 第一次計時模考+計分。
2. 第二次複習開啟雲端課程,可隨選隨看錯題詳解。
3. 不限次數登入,直到AP 5月考前。
4. 2016以前的歷年真題+雲端課程詳解,請另外登入。