Tip #1: Use AP 真题。very similar questions almost always showed up on the tests.
Tip #2: “Check out RedRock AP Biology Package. They're great for cramming and helping you learn
Tip #3. If you are bad at biochemistry, then fix it ASAP.
Tip #4. Although ecology is part of the curriculum, you should know it well. Also, you better know evolution too.
AP生物五分率一直不高。2019 AP Bio 5分率只有7.1%。所以一个好的AP生物成绩对学生申请学校以及奖学金来说都是十分有竞争力的
预告: 2020 AP Bio考前复习班(Zoom在线) ,红石Queena老师将于1月开始滚动开课,为考生开始做2020AP生物的复习。
现在报名完成将开始提供学员红石AP BIO必读教材与题库。红石导师将开始督导课前学习进度。
Contact Lucas at Wechat ID (aicpa_lucas)